Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day is Done by Gary Fultz

                                                                                         Nice photo Hutch!

    A beautiful sunset marks the end of a perfect evening on the water. You shiver as the big Timbers start to moan at the end of the tamarack swamp nearby. It's so still that you can hear your fingers squish a couple of big Minnesota  mosquitoes honing in on your face. Down the shoreline some type of animal is wading and splashing the water; probably a coon washing some clams, crayfish, and anything else edible. You long for one more cast with a spook in the reeds for that huge bass that swirls huge water as you drive away.
    Fisherman, adventurer, solitude seeker, beauty connoisseur, and gaggle of other descriptive words come to mind when the universe lines up for a perfect finish...and you are there.

    Some people are never there!
 It takes initiative and sometimes hard work to be in the sweet spot of your passions. I have it easy! I love adventure, wilderness solitude, on the spot breath taking scenery, and the competitive nature of the food gatherer. I hunt, fish, camp, winter camp, bring my camera, and drag a few people with me.  

   One month into 2011...Where have I been this year? Where am I going to be? Are my physical disabilities going to stop me or just modify how I get there? Am I going to just blog or have something to blog about? far so good! Just to start the year my lovely wife went out on the lake with me..several times! hence the picture.

    I'm thinking a good caption is "I out-fished him!" She is thinking...well she wouldn't tell me what she was thinking but I know it wasn't "I hope he teaches me how to clean fish".
    Back to "being There"...It's way more than chance as the movie suggests. There is something to Dina Craik's quote as well "It's never too late to be who you might have been".
   Ahhh...We are back to fishing again aren't we! We fish for goals, ways to accomplish goals, who we want to be, what we want to do.
I'm telling ya...Spend some time on the lake, Spend some time with God walking around in his artwork, set some goals that need a clear vision, good organization, and some steady work to obtain.
   If you want to just fish, I can make it happen...otherwise take some steps toward becoming who you want to be to get to where you want to go. I'm going to say this several more times...
    Take a walk
       have a talk
          get right
            stay tight...If you can do it alone it's too small!

Proverbs 16:9 The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps
Here's to walking on sweet spot (Minnesota-February-with a jigging stick)
Who doin it?? What's your ideal sweet spot?
Please make your comments below

Gary D

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