Arizona Picture By Cheryl
Ahhh...mornings! What to wear, what to eat, who to call, what to read and write....My tone is easily set for the day by decisions before I'm really awake (it takes awhile). However...If I could watch a beautiful sunrise and then tackle the day with the faith of Abraham (go and read it), I should be able to look at the right picture to give me the mood and attitude necessary for the day ahead. Need the eye of the Tiger for the day? Watch the Rocky video...listen to the music and you are set right? 2 worked till 3 not depressed!"Feed your fears and your faith will starve...feed your faith and your fears will". It's one thing to design a pill for the day and quite another to develop a proper diet and exercise regarding faith and fear. Does my faith grow by watching the sun rise or by getting away into the remote wilderness (BWCAW)? I would like to think so...but then I know the creator. (Louie Giglio - Laminin).
How long did it take for Abraham to really believe and trust God? Quite a growing / learning curve wouldn't you say? On the way he claimed his wife was his sister (fear of being killed) at least two times. No it didn't happen overnight. Read about what is said about him "In hope beyond all hope".
The discipline to eat right, the right focus, fixation and finisher of faith verses fear is Jesus Christ himself.
Yesterday a man at a Camp Lebanon - Mens Advance - came to me and told me his own story illustration
of a song I wrote and recorded (sang at camp) about Fixing My Eyes On Jesus Fixing My Eyes On Jesus. Out of ignorance and arrogance in his younger years he had attempted to drive through a blizzard on roads that were officially closed. As he drove through snow drifts and near zero visibility, the snow drifts became higher and the road ahead less and less visible until he was stopped and stranded. Now humbled and all will power gone he turned to pray. God could have left him there for a while or even a long while but He didn't. A snow plow stopped behind him because he was blocking the road (good thing the driver saw him). He followed the flag on the back of the truck all the way through the storm. It was the only thing he could see. A few feet closer and he would hit the back of the truck and a few feet further back and he would lose sight of the flag and nothing else was visable. As long as he kept his eyes fixed on the flag...he was OK.
Hebrews12:1-2 is a conclusion for building true faith....way beyond sunrises, great videos, sermons, or any other pills we take to set our tone for the day.
Picture from a Kentucky vacation by Gary D
There is no substitute for building a personal relationship with the one who created us, redeemed us, and wants to spend 24/7 with us. We do this by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. So today (and ever after) lets feed our Faith and not our fears...and go beyond the pills!Gary D
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